
Challenges of TEPCO

  1. Energy & Resources
  2. Environment & Community

Expanding the use of renewable energies

Solar, wind, hydro, and biomass are clean, renewable energy sources that produce only small amounts of CO2 in the process of power generation and have a low impact on the environment. TEPCO actively promotes the use of these renewables and steadily complies with the target prescribed in the RPS Law*, but aims to expand the use of renewable energy even more, by developing and introducing renewable energy sources and through the diverse activities implemented by all Group companies.

* RPS Law
Act on Special Measures Concerning New Energy Use by operators of electric utilities. The law requires electric power companies to use renewable energies to generate a certain percentage of the electric power they sell. Any shortfall in satisfying the RPS requirement may be supplemented by purchasing renewables from other power producers.

Initiatives for expanding renewable energy use

− Plans

  Details Scheduled commencement of operations
Hydropower generation
(Sakae Town, Shimominochi County, Nagano Prefecture)
(Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture)

1,000 kW

240 kW



Mega solar generation(Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture; Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture) 30,000 kW FY2011
Wind power generation
(Higashi-Izu Town & Kawazu Town, Kamo County, Shizuoka Prefecture)
18,370 kW FY2011
Co-combustion of woody biomass fuels (Tokai Town, Naka County, Ibaraki Prefecture) Co-combustion with coal at an existing thermal power plant FY2012

− Performance

Performances of introducing
Power generation facilities (TEPCO) Hydropower generation 8,990 MW*
Geothermal power generation 3,300 kW*
Wind power generation 500 kW*
Power generation facilities for in-house consumption (TEPCO) Solar power 524 kW*
Wind power 5 kW*
Wind power generation
Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation
6 countries, 1,902 MW*
Micro hydropower generation
The Tokyo Electric Generation Co., Inc.
25 locations, 2,897 kW*
Project for converting biomass resources to fuel Bio Fuel Co., Inc. Reduction of approx. 7,239 tons of CO2 (per year) by using biomass in place of fossil fuels
Performances of promoting dissemination
Power purchases (TEPCO) Cumulative amount purchased
Solar power: 1,210 GWh
Wind power: 1,400 GWh
Green Power Certification
Japan Natural Energy Company Limited (JNEC)
Annual contract volume
218 GWh* (196 organizations)
  • Utilization of hydropower generation

Hydropower generation is a domestically produced renewable energy that provides outstanding environmental performance and stability. We are aiming to make full use of our hydropower facilities, which have a combined capacity of 8,990 MW, by renovating aging facilities, developing water turbine technologies, and otherwise increasing hydropower generation efficiency.

We are also pushing forward plans for the construction of new hydropower power plants. The Tochikawa Hydropower Station (Sakae Town, Shimominochi County, Nagano Prefecture) and the Togawa Hydropower Station (Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture) are slated to commence operations in FY2010. The Tochikawa Hydropower Station is a conduit type power plant that effectively utilizes the water resource of the Tochi River of the Shinanogawa River system (class 1 river) to produce a maximum output of 1,000 kW. It is expected to have a annual CO2 reduction effect of approximately 2,100 tons.

Imaichi Dam (construction site of the Togawa Hydropower Station)

  • Construction of mega solar* power plants

We are planning to construct mega solar power plants jointly with Kanagawa Prefecture's Kawasaki City and Yamanashi Prefecture, respectively, and are currently proceeding with installation work in Kawasaki. When completed, the plants will produce a total output of 30,000 kW, enough to supply the necessary electricity to 7,900 households for a year, and are expected to reduce annual CO2 emissions by approximately 10,000 tons.

* Mega solar
Solar power generation providing an output of more than 1,000 kW.

Overview of TEPCO's mega solar projects

  Output Scheduled commencement
of operations
Ohgishima Solar Power Plant
(Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
13,000 kW FY2011
Ukishima Solar Power Plant
(Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
7,000 kW FY2011
Komekurayama Solar Power Plant
(Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture)
10,000 kW FY2011

Rendering of the Ukishima Solar Power Plant

  • Woody biomass* fuel co-combustion plan

We are planning to install a power generation system based on the co-combustion of woody biomass fuels in Unit 1 at the Hitachinaka Thermal Power Station. Slated to commence operations in FY2012, the system will use fuel made by compressing wood fragments into woody biomass fuel and mixing it with coal at a percentage of about 3%. It is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 110,000 tons per year, which corresponds to the amount of CO2 emitted by about 20,000 households in a year.

* Biomass
A natural resource derived from biological matter. The combustion of biomass derived from plant produces CO2, but because plants absorb CO2 as they grow, the system creates a closed carbon cycle in which the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere does not increase.

Overview of biomass power generation

  • Demonstration test on expanding the introduction of wind power generation in Hokkaido

We are planning a demonstration test in Hokkaido in collaboration with Hokkaido Electric Power Company, with an eye to expanding the introduction of wind power generation in the prefecture as part of initiatives for smart power system network. Under this project, TEPCO will receive a certain amount of electric power from Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. on a continuous basis, to give new regulating capacity to power systems within Hokkaido, and wind power output control technologies will be introduced to enhance system stability. We will increase wind power generation capacity by 100 to 200 MW by FY2014. The same demonstration test with Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. is under consideration. Data on the effects of expanding the introduction of wind power generation will be analyzed and used to further promote renewable energy use.

Overview of the project

  • Global-scale wind power generation project

Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation, a member of the TEPCO Group, operates wind power projects in Europe, United States, and Asia, as Japan's largest and one of the world's leading wind power generation companies. It further expanded its business in FY2009 by newly launching 3 wind power plants in Japan (combined capacity of 99 MW) and 2 in the United States (combined capacity of 243 MW). As a result, it now possesses wind power facilities with a total capacity of 1,900 MW, as of March 31, 2010. The company is also active in the solar power generation business, and has so far commenced operations of the South-West Sunchang Photovoltaic Power Plant (994 kW) in South Korea.

Wind power generation capacity of Eurus Energy Holdings

Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation:

Introduction of the New Purchase System for Solar Power-Generated Electricity

The New Purchase System for Solar Power-Generated Electricity was launched in November 2009, pursuant to national laws.

The system requires electric power companies to purchase, under conditions prescribed in relevant laws, surplus electricity generated by photovoltaic facilities (electricity left over after subtracting the amount for self consumption), with the purchase expense to be defrayed by all electricity users in the form of a "solar surcharge."

We will do our part in disseminating and ensuring the smooth operation of the new system, to contribute to expanding solar power generation.

Overview of the new purchase system

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