
Corporate Information

Press Release (Nov 26,2012)
Power Supply and Demand Outlook on November 26 and Power Received from 4 Electric Power Companies

The power usage outlook on November 26 is estimated to be 43,300MW during the peak hour (from 5:00 PM to 6:00PM) in consideration of higher power demand for air conditioning than expected this morning due to a sharp drop in the outdoor air temperature.

Though measures to increase supply capacity such as higher output operation at our power stations and the power stations owned by other electric power companies and work schedule coordination have been implemented, the supply capacity is estimated to be approx. 44,350MW with the power usage rate of 97% (Reserve margin: 2.4%), which is a severe supply-demand condition resulting from the suspension of Unit 5 at Hirono Thermal Power Station (rated output: 600MW) due to a steam leakage from the tube inside the boiler at 8:07 PM yesterday.

As a countermeasure, we have decided to receive power (maximum of 1,000MW) from 4 electric power companies during the period from 3:30 PM to midnight today (receive 964MW during the peak hour) in a form of power interchange (Power interchange across the service areas). With the power received, today's supply capacity during the peak hour will be 45,320MW with the power usage rate of 95% (Reserve margin: 4.7%).

In consideration of the severe supply-demand condition, we would like to request our customers and broader society to cooperate in saving electricity by such as setting lower temperature on the air conditioner and turning off the lights not being used. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

< Reference 1 > Supply-demand outlook after receiving power (November 26)

< Reference 2 > Power interchange (Power interchange across the service areas)
Power interchange conducted between electric power companies in order to secure stable power supply as a nation in the case of power supply failure due to an accident or demand-supply gap resulting from a sharp increase in demand. ESCJ takes a role as an agent coordinating the power interchange. The electric power company in need of additional power supply requests for a power interchange to ESCJ. The ESCJ then coordinates with other electric power companies that are capable of supplying power.

< Reference 3 > Operation suspended at Unit 5 of Hirono Thermal Power Station
At Unit 5 of Hirono Thermal Power Station (Station chief: Yutaka Oshitani, Address: 58 Futatsu Numa, Shimo Kitaba, Hirono-cho, Futaba-gun, Fukushima Prefecture, rated output: 600MW, fuel: coal, operational commencement: July 2004), the operation was suspended at 8:07 PM yesterday after a steam leakage from the tube inside the boiler was found during the generator output increase at 5:00 PM. An inspection and repair will be performed.

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