
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jul 12,2012)
Operational Commencement of Unit 7-1 at Kashima Thermal Power Station

fter the earthquake on March 11, 2011, gas turbine power generation equipments (268MW x 3 = Total output: 804MW) have been installed at Kashima Thermal Power Station in order to ensure stable power supply. Following the operational commencement of Unit 7-2 on June 29, 2012, Unit 7-1 has started its commercial operation today. The operational commencement of Unit 7-3 is scheduled by the end of July 2012.

The newly installed gas turbine power generation equipments will be replaced with combined cycle power generation equipments by July 2014, which will be utilized as constant power supply with the total output power of 1,248 MW (416MW x 3) and the thermal efficiency of approx. 57%.

We will make our best effort in securing stable power supply as well as ensuring safe operation and maintenance of power facilities.

Attachment: Outline of Gas Turbine Power Generation Equipments (PDF 80.3KB)
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