
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jul 06,2012)
(Comment)Regarding the case of our inappropriate treatment at the Nuclear Damage Compensation Dispute Resolution Centre

We sincerely apologize to the residents residing near the power stations and the general public for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety that has arisen on account of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (the "Accident").

Regarding the case of our inappropriate treatment brought forth by the Nuclear Damage Compensation Dispute Resolution Centre today, we would like to reiterate our sincerest regret and again extend our deepest apologies to the victims for the inconveniences caused by such treatment.

We take the reproach seriously and will make sure that the settlement proposal is duly respected. From here on, we will also scrutinize the procedures of each case to prevent the reoccurrence of similar errors.

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