On March 16, 2012, TEPCO reported to NISA that we have confirmed the soundness and evaluated the safety of the 93 measuring facilities among the major measuring facilities*1, which was overdue the self-management period in the firm rule and was required function during the plant shutdown by safety regulation at units 2, 3 and 4 of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station which are under long-term shutdown. And we have confirmed that all facilities either 'had no problem in function' or 'had no effect to the safety of the plant'.
And on March 30, 2012, TEPCO re-reported to NISA after revise these mistakes.
(Provided as a press release before March 30, 2012)
Thereafter, on April 4, 2012, we received judgment our report were suitable from NISA.
Based upon the directive document*2 of NISA on March 9, 2012, we continuously looked into the measuring facilities and inspect on whether there are facilities that are not planned to be inspected when they should be, or facilities that have passed their supposed inspection time.
As a result of check, we confirmed that there is inspection plan of all measuring facilities and they are planned to be inspected according to the self-management period in the firm rule in 2012. In addition, regarding other facilities except major measuring facilities, we found out that 2,825 facilities were overdue. Although these facilities are not required function by safety regulation, we will inspect them sequentially. (Chart 1)
Moreover we confirmed that there is inspection plan of main facilities (such as reactor, turbine and electrical facilities) except major measuring facilities and they are not overdue according to the self-management period in the firm rule.
In addition, among the major measuring facilities reported previous report, we have inspected 611 facilities which are not required functions during suspension, and confirmed that all facilities either 'had no problem in function' or 'had no effect to the safety of the plant'. (Chart 2)
We have finished reporting regarding insufficient maintenance and control for measuring control facilities of the plants under long-term shutdown at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, and today we have reported this to the NISA.
We will set the inspection schedule of major measuring facilities that are required functions during suspension and strive for management them individually not to exceed the additional inspection period.
Attached document: Outline of the evaluation regarding the effects on the safety of the plant
*The attached file titled " Outline of the evaluation regarding the effects on the safety of the plant " is only available in Japanese.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
*1 major measuring facilities : measuring facilities which was required function in the firm rule and was required function
*2 the directive document : instruction document "Responding to insufficient maintenance and control for measuring control facilities at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Company"
*We have provided a Japanese press release version of the instruction document received from NISA. However, at this time we have reserved the right to provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings that may arise from an inaccurate rendering of the original Japanese text. We may provide the English translation that NISA releases in our press releases. However, in principle we would advise you to visit the NISA website for timely and accurate information.