
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jan 31,2012)
Submission of Restoration Plan based on the Nuclear Plant Operator's Anti- Disaster Measures Operation Plan for the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
Due to the tsunami following the Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake
occurred on March 11, 2011, in Fukushima Daini NPS, incidents defined in
the Act on Special Measures concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
(hereafter the "Act") had occurred and the Nuclear Emergency Situation was
declared. However, all the units in Fukushima Daini have achieved the cold
shutdown on March 15, 2011 by implementing the emergency response measures.
Such measure has been continuously implemented afterwards in order to
maintain the cold shutdown. As a result, on December 26, the Prime
Minister declared the cancellation of Nuclear Emergency Situation and
TEPCO has moved into the phase of implementing the post nuclear disaster
incident measurement for Fukushima Daini NPS.

For the purpose of implementing such measurement, following the
instruction by NISA of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry received on
January 11, 2012, titled "Management of Fukushima Daini NPS on the way
forward (instruction)"*, TEPCO has established the restoration plan based
on the Nuclear Plant Operator's Anti- Disaster Measures Operation Plan.
Today TEPCO submitted the plan to the minister of METI and the governors
of Fukushima prefecture, Naraha town, and Tomioka town.


 Restoration Plan based on the Nuclear Plant Operator's Anti- Disaster 
 Measures Operation Plan (Summary) (PDF 29.4KB)
Reference (available only in Japanese): 
 Restoration Plan based on the Nuclear Plant Operator's Anti- Disaster 
 Measures Operation Plan (established) (PDF 132KB)
*Instruction Document
"Management of Fukushima Daini NPS on the way forward (instruction)"
We have provided a Japanese version of the instruction document received
from NISA in our Japanese website. However, we reserve the right to not
provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings that may
arise from an inaccurate translation of the original Japanese text. We may
provide the English translation that NISA releases in our press releases.
However, in principle we would advise you to visit the NISA website for
timely and accurate information. 
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