
Corporate Information

Press Release (Dec 19,2011)
Receipt of the directive document regarding the water in the trench between Process Main Building and Miscellaneous Solid Waste Volume Reduction Treatment Building(High Temperature Incinerator Building)in the Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment Facility at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
With regards to the fact we found the accumulated water (approx. 230m3) in
the trench between process main building and miscellaneous solid waste
volume reduction treatment building(high temperature incinerator building)
in the centralized radiation waste treatment facility at Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Station on December 18, which contains radioactive materials,
today, we have received directive document* from NISA "Regarding the
response to the accumulated water which contains radioactive materials
In accordance with the above directive document, we will take smooth
response and report to NISA in a timely manner.
*Directive document
"Regarding the response to the accumulated water which contains
 radioactive materials (Direction)"
                                             (December 19, 2011 NISA No.6)
[We have provided a Japanese press release version of the instruction
document received from NISA. However, at this time we have reserved the
right not to provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings
that may arise from an inaccurate rendering of the original Japanese text.
We may provide the English translation that NISA releases in our press
releases. However, in principle we would advise you to visit the NISA
website for timely and accurate information.] 
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