December 6, 2011
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
Toshio Nishizawa
Today, the "Supplement of the Interim Guidelines on Criteria for
Determining Nuclear Damage Indemnification Coverage (Losses due to
Voluntary Evacuation)" was adopted at the Council on Disputes concerning
Atomic Damages Compensation.
We will take into serious consideration this supplement which includes the
losses due to voluntary evacuation as one of the damages to be covered by
our compensation. We will exercise our utmost effort to fairly compensate
for those damages under the framework of the System of Compensation for
Nuclear Damages.
Regarding the compensation for the damages referred to in the guidelines,
given that the estimated number of target sufferers has increased almost
ten-fold, it is expected that a considerable amount of time for
preparation will be necessary. In accordance with the instructions and
support from the government and municipalities, we will prepare to start
the compensation procedures as early as possible.