
Corporate Information

Press Release (Oct 08,2011)
Nuclide Analysis Results of Radioactive Materials in Seawater taken near Intake Canal of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (for the data collected on October 7)
At around 9:30 am on April 2, 2011, we detected water containing radiation
dose over 1,000 mSv/h in the pit* where power supply cables are stored
near the intake channel of Unit 2. Furthermore, there was a crack of about
20 cm length on the concrete lateral of the pit, from where the water in
the pit was flowing out to the ocean. At around 12:20 pm on April 2, we
reaffirmed the event at the scene. 
We have implemented sampling of the water in the pit of Unit 2, together
with the seawater in front of the bar screen near the pit of Unit 2. These
samples were sent to Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station for analyses.

At around 5:38 am on April 6, we observed stoppage of spilling of water to
the ocean from the crack on the concrete lateral of the pit. 

Since April 5, we have been conducting sampling surveys of the water in
the pit of Unit 2 and the seawater in front of the bar screen near the
pit. Regarding the survey results of the detection of three nuclides
(iodine 131, cesium 134, cesium 137), we report those as definite results,
and for the other nuclides, we will re-evaluate them.

On April 12, due to the installation of silt fences, we changed the
sampling points from the front of the bar screen of Unit 4 to the north
and the south of the inside of the water intake canal of Units 1 to 4.
Since April 17, we have been conducting an additional sampling survey
outside the silt fence in front of the bar screen of Unit 2, in order to
assess the effect of the installation of the silt fence.

Since May 18, 2011, responding to out-flow leakage of contaminated water
from the intake canal of Unit 3, from May 12th, we have additionally
conducted the sampling of the seawater inside and outside of the silt
fence in front of the bar screen near the pit of Unit 1, 3 and 4. 
                                                    (Previously announced)

On October 7, 2011, we conducted sampling of the seawater near the intake
canal of Units 1 to 4 of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and
analyzed the samples. As a result, some radioactive materials were
detected as described in the appendix. 

Therefore, we informed Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) and the
government of Fukushima Prefecture of the results above.

We will continue to conduct the same kind of sampling.

* Pit: vertical shaft made of concrete 
Appendix1: Nuclide Analysis Results of Radioactive Materials in Seawater 
           Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station; the shallow draft quay, 
           Unit 1-4 screen, and the water intake canal of Units 1-4 
                                                              (PDF 13.1KB) 
Appendix2: Radioactivity Density of Seawater (PDF 42.1KB) 
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