
Corporate Information

Press Release (Sep 28,2011)
Report to NISA regarding Investigation Results on Mistakes in Reports of Emergency Countermeasures for Safety
On September 15, 2011, we received an instruction document titled
"Regarding the Investigation of the Mistakes in the Reports of Emergency 
Countermeasures for Safety (Instruction)*" from the Nuclear and Industrial 
Safety Agency (NISA) of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
                                    (Previously announced on September 15)

In accordance with this instruction, we investigated the mistakes in the 
following reports that have already been submitted to NISA and we found 
two mistakes concerning the installation level of the main equipment in 
the report of the emergency countermeasures for safety at Fukushima Daini 
Nuclear Power Station. We submitted to NISA a report of the investigation 
results, causes, and prevention measures and an amended report of 
emergency countermeasures for safety at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power 
The mistakes have no impact on the evaluation results.

·Regarding Emergency Countermeasures for Safety at Kashiwazaki Kariwa 
 Nuclear Power Station (Implementation status report)
 (Reported on April 21, 2011. Amendment reported on May 2, 2011.)
·Regarding Offsite Power Supply Security at Nuclear Power Stations and 
 Reprocessing Plants
 (Reported on May 16, 2011.)
·Regarding Emergency Countermeasures for Safety at Fukushima Daini Nuclear 
 Power Station (Implementation status report)
 (Reported on May 20, 2011. Amendment reported on July 21.)
·Regarding Implementation of Countermeasures against Severe Accidents 
 based on the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station 
 (Implementation status report)
 (Reported on June 14, 2011)
·Regarding the Security of the Offsite Power Supply of Fukushima Daini 
 Nuclear Power Station
 (Reported on July 7, 2011)
·Regarding the Anti-earthquake Countermeasures of the Switchyard etc. with 
 a View to Securing Reliability of the Offsite Power Supply for Nuclear 
 Power Stations (Report)
 (Reported on July 7, 2011)

Attachment:Investigation Results, causes and prevention measures regarding 
           mistakes in the reports of the emergency countermeasures for 
           safety (Summary) (PDF 23.6KB) 

Reference: Regarding Emergency Countermeasures for Safety at Fukushima Daini
           Nuclear Power Station (Implementation status report) (Amendment)
           * The attachment is available only in Japanese version.

* Instruction document
Investigation of the mistakes in the reports of the emergency 
countermeasures for safety (instruction)
(September 14, 2011, No.5)

We have provided a Japanese press release version of the instruction 
document received from NISA. However, at this time we have reserved the 
right not to provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings 
that may arise from an inaccurate rendering of the original Japanese text. 
We may provide the English translation that NISA releases in our press 
releases. However, in principle we would advise you to visit the NISA 
website for timely and accurate information.

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