
Corporate Information

Press Release (Sep 27,2011)
(Announcement) Agreement Form for Indemnification for Corporations and Sole Proprietors
We sincerely apologize to residents residing near the power stations and
the general public for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety that has
arisen due to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and
Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station.

Regarding the said compensation instructions designated "for Corporations
and Sole Proprietors" that is scheduled to be mailed out from September
27th, the following clause is contained in the enclosed sample agreement,
"Concerning the aforementioned received amount, I will not raise any
objections nor apply for additional compensation in response to the
individual amounts stated in both the Results Notification and in the

However, in conformance to the revised agreement form for individuals,
this clause will not be inserted into the actual agreements that will be
sent out to corporations and sole proprietors. 

We deeply apologize for any confusion that may arise due to this matter. 

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