
Corporate Information

Press Release (Sep 08,2011)
Enhancement of Medical and Health Management System for the Workers at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station - Continuous Operation of Emergency Medical Room and Strengthening of Health Management for the Workers -
Regarding the medical system at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station,
with the assistance of the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry and
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, doctors
have been dispatched and we have secured a medical system with doctors on
duty 24 hours. In addition, we have established Emergency Medical Room at
Unit 5/6 Service Building for the summer season (July to September),
assigned doctors familiar with emergency medical exposure at the site
around the clock, and enhanced the medical system by assigning a number of
professional doctors. 
                              (Previously announced on May 27 and June 30)

In consideration of the evaluation of medical activities and change of the
situation, we would like to announce that we have decided to enhance and
strengthen the health management for the workers by continuing the
operation of the Emergency Medical Room and dispatching doctors and nurses
with the assistance of the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry and
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology after
September 1, 2011. 

·Attachment 1: Current Situation and future direction of medical and
               health management system for the workers at Fukushima
               Daiichi Nuclear Power Station(PDF 12.3KB)
·Attachment 2: Old and new medical system (PDF 18.9KB)

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