
Corporate Information

Press Release (Aug 16,2011)
(Announcement)Regarding the correction of "Detection of slight amount of radioactive materials by periodic radioactivity measurement at Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station (update)"
A mistake has been found in "Detection of slight amount of radioactive 
materials by periodic radioactivity measurement at Kashiwazaki Kariwa 
Nuclear Power Station (update)" released at 4 pm today. We apologize and 
correct it as follows. 
 -"Analysis results of H-3 of seawater (Upper Layer) in recent survey 
  (2006 - 2010)"described at the bottom of table of Attachment 1 
  "Artificial radioactive materials detected from environmental radiation 
  monitoring samples collected around Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power 
  Station in 2011"
  (Correct) H-3 Not Detectable-0.82
  (Mistake) H-3 Not Detectable-3.5
Attachment 1: Artificial radioactive materials detected from environmental 
              radiation monitoring samples collected around Kashiwazaki 
              Kariwa Nuclear Power Station in 2011(PDF 37.7KB) 
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