
Corporate Information

Press Release (Aug 10,2011)
Evaluation status of internal exposure "over 20mSv and less or equal to 50mSv" in March and April
We have been evaluating exposure dose of workers at Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Station in the following two categories:
        -Internal exposure dose (primary*1 and secondary*2 evaluation)
        -External exposure dose

We have sequentially submitted interim reports to Ministry of Health,
Labor and Welfare on the following items when each reporting due date
comes, and have made announcements.
(a) Primary evaluation results of internal exposure dose for March and
    April (7,083 persons)*3 
    (of which 52 persons for March and 388 persons for April will be
    evaluated later)
(b) From (a), secondary evaluation results of internal exposure dose for
    workers with the aggregate primary evaluation of internal and external
    exposure dose over 250mSv (6 persons)
(C) From (a), secondary evaluation results of internal exposure dose for
    workers with primary evaluation of internal exposure dose over 50mSv 
    (95 persons, including 6 persons in (b))
             (Previously announced on June 13, 20, 30, July 13, 20 and 29)
We have compiled the following issues and reported them to Ministry of
Health, Labor and Welfare.
(1)Evaluation status of internal exposure dose "over 20mSv and less or
   equal to 50mSv" (Refer to Exhibit and Attachment 1 and 2)
   -The number of workers with primary evaluation "over 20mSv and less or
    equal to 50mSv"is 287 (as reported on July 29), of which 258 persons
    had the same range of exposure dose in secondary evaluation.
   -Among 2,721 workers who have already had primary evaluation for May,
    nobody had exposure dose over 20mSv. 
(2)Regarding the enhancement of internal exposure control
   We reported it as per Exhibit and Attachment 3.

Along with enhancing exposure control, we will continue to proceed with
the evaluation of exposure dose. Reports that are planned to be submitted
to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare are:
-Primary evaluation results of internal exposure dose for the remaining
workers described in (a) (August 31)
-Primary evaluation results of internal exposure dose for June (August 31)

*1 Primary evaluation of internal exposure dose
A temporary evaluation in the case that a detailed investigation on the
intake period is not possible, based on the assumption that each worker
absorbed the entire amount of radioactive substances at the first date of
work (March 12, if the worker began work from the outset) resulting in the
maximum figures of dose.

*2 Secondary evaluation of internal exposure dose
This evaluation is conducted only for workers who had primary evaluation
over 20mSv, reevaluating figures of primary evaluation by adjusting the
date of intake per each person's behavioral survey or by using JAEA's
detailed examinations. 

*3 The number of persons in the report of July 29 who have already had
primary evaluation for March and April (March: 3,695 out of 3,747
April: 3,388 out of 3,776) 

Enhancing controls of internal exposures at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear 
Power Station(PDF 7.1KB) 
Attachment1:Evaluation status of exposure dose for workers in charge 
            of the emergency works at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power 
            Station-Detailed examination on workers with over 20mSv- 
                                                              (PDF 17.9KB) 
Attachment2:Distribution of Exposure Dose(PDF 23.3KB) 
Attachment3:Enhancing controls of exposure dose at Fukushima Daiichi 
            Nuclear Power Station(PDF 18.2KB) 
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