
Corporate Information

Press Release (Aug 08,2011)
Improvement of Access Control at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
On July 7, 2011, an on-site inspection by NISA was conducted at Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station since the identities of the station's
workers were unable to be confirmed. 
At the time, since it was also revealed that original official
identification was not being verified and the worker's identification was
not being presented in person during the issuing of the worker's
identification in accordance with the physical protection program's access
control procedures, we received a cautionary document regarding
improvement of access control from NISA. 
                                  (Previously announced on August 1, 2011)

We compiled the following items and reported to NISA today. 

(1) Improvement of Access Control 
  1. Since July 19, 2011, we have conducted identification by official
     identification with photo (car license, passport, basic resident
     register with photo, foreign resident' registration card). 

  2. Since July 19, 2011, we changed the procedure that we directly
     handed an access permission to an individual. 

  3. In addition, to strictly check identification, since July 29, 2011,
     we have started issuance of access permission with photo (entering
     registration card). (newly announced this time)

(2) Survey Results for Persons whom we could not Contact
 As of August 8, there are 150 persons (TEPCO employee: 0, Partner
 Company's employee: 150) whom we could not contact.
     March: 11 persons, April: 66 persons, May: 73 persons

We will continue to steadily conduct the access control to the nuclear
power stations


* Cautionary document
Enforcement of access control procedures at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Cautionary Memo) 
(July 27, NISA)

We have provided a Japanese press release version of the instruction
document received from NISA. However, at this time we have reserved the
right to not provide an English version due to potential misunderstandings
that may arise from an inaccurate rendering of the original Japanese text.

We may provide the English translation that NISA releases in our press
releases. However, in principle we would advise you to visit the NISA
website for timely and accurate information. 
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