
Corporate Information

Press Release (Aug 06,2011)
Power supply to Tohoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated
We have decided to supply maximum of 1.4GW to Tohoku Electric Power 
Company, Incorporated ("Tohoku Electric Power Company") which suffered 
severe damage from the quake in order to support balance of demand and 
supply. In response to the request from Tohoku Electric Power Company on 
August 4, we decided to provide 300MW from 1:00 pm on August 4 to 10:00 pm 

Today, we received an additional request for the power supply (nationwide 
power exchange) through Electric Power System Council of Japan from Tohoku 
Electric Power Company based on the expected tight supply and demand 
balance in its service area. In response to the request, based on the 
supply and demand balance in our service area, we have decided to provide 
additional power supply of maximum 500MW (nationwide power exchanges) from 
10:00 am to 5:00 pm today.

Since we will supply maximum 800MW to Tohoku Electric Power Company from 
10:00 am to 5:00 pm today, our supply capacity today will be reduced from 
50.1GW to 49.6GW. However, we assume we can maintain proper reserve 
capacity. Therefore, there will be no problem in stable power supply in 
our service area.

<Reference> Today's supply and demand outlook         (Unit: GW)
*300MW of power supply to Tohoku Electric Power Company since August 4 is reflected to the supply capacity as of this morning(50.1GW) <Reference> Power interchanges (nationwide power exchanges) Emergency power interchanges among general electricity utilities to secure stable supply and demand nationwide as a countermeasure to the gap between supply and demand due to faults in generators in operation and sharp increases in demand. For the exchange of power, Electric Power System Council of Japan ("ESCJ") facilitates the process (the general electricity utility in need of additional power makes a request to ESCJ. ESCJ inquires other general utilities whether they can provide the power or not. By the offer(s) from general utiliti(es) who can provide supply, the power exchange is decided.)
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