
Corporate Information

Press Release (Aug 05,2011)
(Comment) TEPCO President's comments on the interim guidelines governing nuclear disaster compensation due to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Power Stations
                                                            August 5, 2011
                                              Tokyo Electric Power Company
                                                          Toshio NISHIZAWA

Today, the government panel in addressing disputes over compensation for 
nuclear accidents finalized their decision of the interim guidelines 
governing nuclear disaster compensation coverage due to the accidents at 
Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Stations.

Under the framework of the Nuclear Compensation System including the Nuclear 
Disaster Compensation Law, we intend to handle the provision of compensation 
to victims in a fair and prompt manner.

We have already paid out temporary compensation to evacuees. Furthermore, 
although these temporary compensation payments will continue to be made, 
in accordance with the guidelines, we will make an effort to begin swift 
payouts of the newly established compensation amounts with support from 
the government and local authorities.

We will establish criteria for damages, the necessary documents, and claim 
forms etcetera as defined in the guidelines, and will strengthen our 
organizational capability so that we will be able to handle the inflow of 
claims in the month of September and begin payments in October.

Further details will be announced in the end of August.

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