
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jun 08,2011)
Submission of the Report on Transfer of High Level Radioactive Wastewater Accumulated in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to the Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment Facility
Currently, a large quantity of radioactive wastewater exists inside
the turbine building of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. In
this regard, on April 10, we received a direction from Minister of
Economy, Trade and Industry to report on matters in connection with
transfer of high level radioactive wastewater to the Centralized
Radiation Waste Treatment Facility, such as necessity, assessment 
of safety, plans on permanent safety storage of wastewater and
treatment facilities.
(Previously announced on April 15th, 2011)

Since we completed implementing measures to prevent leakage in the
main process building of the Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment 
Facility, we compiled the details based on the direction given and 
reported to Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry on April 18, 
2011. Concurrently, the content of the report has been confirmed by 
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
(Previously announced on April 19th, 2011)

From April 19, 2011, we have been continuously transferring high 
radioactive wastewater from the turbine building of Unit 2 to the 
Process Main Building of the Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment 
Since the level of radioactive wastewater in the turbine building
of Unit 3 is increasing, we have been implementing prevention of 
leakage in the Miscellaneous Solid Waste Volume Reduction Treatment 
Building of the Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment Facility. 
As the prevention work at the Building was completed on May 16, we 
compiled the details based on the direction given and reported to 
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The content of the report 
has been confirmed by Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, and we 
were planning to start transferring high level radioactive 
wastewater from the turbine building of Unit 3 to the Centralized 
Radiation Waste Treatment Facility.
(Previously announced on May 16, 2011)

We had been transferring the high level radioactive wastewater to 
the Process Main Building and the Miscellaneous Solid Waste Volume 
Reduction Treatment Building. However, we suspended the transfer 
because at the Process Main Building the amount of wastewater 
almost reached the planned storage level and at the Miscellaneous 
Solid Waste Volume Reduction Treatment Building there was a 
possibility that the wastewater leaks to the adjacent underground 
In such a situation, as the paddle water in the Turbine Buildings 
of Units 2 and 3 were increasing, in order to prevent wastewater 
leakage to outside, we reconsidered the water storage level in the 
Process Main Building and reported the result to Nuclear and 
Industrial Safety Agency under Ministry of Economy, Trade and 
(Previously announced on June 4, 2011)

As to the wastewater in the Turbine Building of Unit 2, at 6:39 pm
on June 4, we began transfer to the Process Main Building. As for 
Unit 3, at 6:26 pm on June 5, we began transfer to the condenser
of Unit 3. We are continuing both of the above.
In order to lower the risks of leakage to outside, as for the 
wastewater in the Turbine Buildings of Unit 2 and 3,
we reconsidered the water storage level in the Process Main 
Building and reported the result to Nuclear and Industrial Safety 
Agency under Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry today.

Attachment:Further change in the storage level of wastewater
           transferred to the Process Main Building (summary)(PDF 98.3KB)

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