
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jun 07,2011)
Submission of a report to Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry on the reporting obligation required by Clause 3 of Article 106 of Electricity Business Act
On June 3rd, 2011, we received an instruction document*, from Agency 
for Natural Resources and Energy of Ministry of Economics, Trade and 
Industry, entitled "Instruction about inappropriate responses to the 
reporting obligation required by Clause 3 of Article 106 of 
Electricity Business Act" (previously released on June 3rd, 2011).

Originally we intended to report to the agency on the designated date,
June 6th, but on the same day we found other mistakes. Therefore we 
informed the agency that we would like to submit only an interim 
report on the designated day.

Afterward, pursuant to the instruction, we have reported to the agency
precise information about the electricity consumption records of large
demand commercial customers and today we have also reported preventive
measures against these mistakes of inaccurate and misleading 

We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences which the wrong 
reportings may cause to companies, public organizations, or any other 
related customers.

*Instruction document
We have provided a Japanese press release version of the instruction 
document received from Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. 
However, at this time we have reserved the right to not provide an 
English version due to potential misunderstandings that may arise 
from an inaccurate rendering of the original Japanese text.

We may provide the English translation that Agency for Natural 
Resources and Energy releases in our press releases. However, in 
principle we would advise you to visit the Agency for Natural 
Resources and Energy website for timely and accurate information.

Appendix:Causes of and preventive measures against the wrong reports
         with regard to reporting obligation required by Clause 3 of
         Article 106 of Electricity Business Act (abridged)
         (PDF 29.5KB)

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