
Corporate Information

Press Release (May 17,2011)
Correction in "Detection of Radioactive Materials from Subsurface Water near the Turbine Buildings of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station"
There is a error in the part of the figure in "Detection of Radioactive
Materials from Subsurface Water near the Turbine Buildings of Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Station," released on 10, 12 and 14 of May. We
apologize for the error and make following correction.

<Part and content of correction>
-"Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Radioactivity Density of
 Sub-drain at Unit 1 (Bq/cm3)"
With regard to the figure to illustrate time-series variation of the
radioactive density of sub-drain at Unit 1, the value of I-131, which was
announced on May 10 (sampled on May 9), was mistakenly written as one
digit larger.

Actual value is in the attached figure.

-"Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Radioactivity Density of 
 Sub-drain at Unit 1 (Bq/cm3)"(PDF 17.2KB) 
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