
Corporate Information

Press Release (May 11,2011)
Partial Amendment of the report on investigation of causes and development of preventive measures regarding exposure exceeding dose limit to radiation workers at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to NISA
On May 2nd, we reported the causes and measures to Nuclear and Industrial 
Safety Agency (NISA) of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry by 
"Investigation of causes and development of preventive measures regarding 
exposure exceeding dose limit to radiation workers at Fukushima Daiichi 
Nuclear Power Station" regarding "Exceeding dose limit to TEPCO employees 
at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station," which were announced on April 
27th and May 1st. However, some mistakes have been found in the report. 

On May 3rd we received inquiries from Fukushima Labor Bureau as to the 
work of the female employee who was working in Main Anti-Earthquake 
Building. Accordingly, we confirmed the work in detail, and found there 
were mistakes in the report submitted to NISA. 

In compiling the number of female employees (19 in total), there actually 
was an employee (radiation worker) who did not work in Main 
Anti-Earthquake Building while it was mistakenly reported that the 
employee assumed and counted as one who worked in Main Anti-Earthquake 
Building. Also, there actually was an employee (non-radiation worker) who 
worked in Main Anti-Earthquake Building while the employee was counted as 
one who did not work in Main Anti-Earthquake Building.
                                         (Previously announced on May 5th)

With regard to the mistakes, we announce that we have amended the details 
of the report as shown in the attachment and reported to NISA on May 11th. 

Attachment1: Amendment of "Investigation of causes and development of 
             preventive measures regarding exposure exceeding dose limit 
             to radiation workers at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power 
             Station"(May 2, 2011)(PDF 15.9KB)
Attachment2: Mistakes in the report on investigation of cause and 
             development of preventive measures regarding exposure 
             exceeding dose limit to radiation dose engaged person at 
             Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to NISA(PDF 8.44KB)
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