
Corporate Information

Press Release (May 01,2011)
Excess of the statutory exposure dose limits of TEPCO employees at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Subsequent report)
We have been determining the exposure dose*1 of each worker during the
emergency work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. On April 27th,
2011, we confirmed that the effective exposure dose of a female employee
who was in the restoration work after the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki
Earthquake was in excess of statutory dose limits*2.
(Previously announcedon April 27th, 2011)

We have also been evaluating the exposure doses of the other two female
employees, and the result is that the effective exposure dose of one
female employee is 7.49 mSv, which is in excess of statutory dose limits.

The female employee will be taking a medical examination tomorrow.

We are determining the exposure dose in the 4th quarter. However, all of
the exposure doses of the female employees who have been in restoration
work after the Earthquake have been determined.

*1 Determination of the exposure dose
Determining the exposure dose by adding the exposure dose during the stay
in Main Anti-Earthquake Building to the exposure dose during the work and
evaluating the committed effective dose of internal exposure

*2 statutory dose limits
Section 9-1-1 of Regulation on the installation and operation of nuclear
power generators:
Stipulates that exposure dose of workers may not exceed the limits set
force by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry 
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