
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 30,2011)
Result of the exposure dose measurement during the emergency work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
In order to prevent the situation that exposure dose of each worker
exceeds the statutory exposure dose limits*1 during the emergency work at
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we have implemented the
determination of exposure dose*2 by measuring internal exposure of workers
with high external exposure dose.
We hereby disclose the result of measurement as the determination of
exposure dose for the workers with more than 100 mSv of external exposure
dose at the end of March completed. 

1.Number of workers subject to the measurement
  21 (workers with more than 100 mSv of external exposure dose during the
  emergency work at the end of March)

2.Result of measurement (total exposure dose from external and internal
  exposure and number of workers)
  200-250 mSv: 2
  150-200 mSv: 8
  100-150 mSv: 11

3.Maximum exposure dose
  External exposure dose: 201.80 mSv
  Internal exposure dose: 39 mSv
  Effective exposure dose: 240.80 mSv(total dose from external and
  internal exposure)

*1: exposure dose limit
The exposure dose limit for the emergency situation in the emergency
response measures implementation area from the day of declaration of
a nuclear emergency situation until the day of cancellation of such
declaration is stipulated to be 250 mSv. 

*2: determination of exposure dose
Determining the exposure dose by adding exposure dose during the stay in
Main Anti-Earthquake Building to the exposure dose during the work and
evaluating the committed effective dose of internal exposure. 
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