
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 28,2011)
Application for amendment to the Safety Regulations for Nuclear Reactor Facilities of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and anxiety to local 
residents near the power station, residents of Fukushima prefecture and 
throughout the entire society caused by the accident and leakage of 
radioactive substances at our Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station due 
to the Tsunami generated by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake that 
occurred on March 11th, 2011.
Currently. We are exerting our best to bring the situation under control 
as soon as possible with support and cooperation from government offices, 
related ministries and local governments.

Further to the amendment to "Rules on the Installation and Operation of 
Commercial Power Reactors" on March 30th, 2011 in response to the incident 
at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused by the Tsunami generated 
by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake*1 and the issuance of the order 
"Regarding interpretation of safety regulations on emergency generating 
facilities" in response to the loss of offsite power at Hogashi-dori 
Nuclear Power Station, Tohoku Electric Power Company*2, we submitted the 
application for amendment to the safety regulations for nuclear reactor 
facilities of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station*3.

The amendment this time is as follows:
·As per the ministerial order to improve the system for maintaining the 
 reactor facilities in the event that the tsunami causes loss of function 
 to all the facilities supplying AC power, all the reactor cooling 
 facilities utilizing seawater and all the facilities for cooling the 
 spent fuel pool ("Station Blackout"), to clearly stipulate below:
  ·To set forth the plan for maintaining the reactor facilities in the 
   event of Station Blackout
  ·To allocate necessary personnel for maintaining the reactor facilities 
   in the event of Station Blackout
  ·To train personnel for maintaining the reactor facilities in the event 
   of Station Blackout
  ·To allocate the generator trucks, fire engines, fire fighting hoses and 
   other equipments for maintaining the reactor facilities in the event of 
   Station Blackout
  ·To have the periodic evaluation on the above and take necessary actions 
   based on the evaluation result
·Amendment to the stipulation of "Operational Restriction" for emergency 
 diesel generators in stand-by in the safety regulations in order to 
 reflect the update of interpretation of "Operational Restriction*4" in 
 the ministerial order as "two emergency generating facilities must be 
 capable of operation during cold shut down of reactors and during 

Attachment: the comparison table for amendments to the safety regulations 
for nuclear reactor facilities, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

*1:Amendment to the Rules on Installation and Operation of Commercial 
   Power Reactors (March 30th, 2011)

Further to the impact on Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station from the 
Tsunami generated by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake in 2011, to 
amend the Regulations concerning the Installation, Operation etc. of 
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors (MITI Ordinance No. 77, December 28th, 
1978) and the Regulations concerning the Installation, Operation etc. of 
Development Stage Nuclear Power Reactors (Prime Minister's Office 
Ordinance No. 122, 2000) in order to improve the system for maintaining 
the reactor facilities to cope with tsunami.

As a security measure, nuclear reactor operators are required to (i) 
improve the system for maintaining the reactor facilities in the event 
that all the reactor cooling facilities utilizing seawater and all the 
facilities for cooling the spent fuel pool are lost ("Station Blackout") 
at factories or business establishments with nuclear reactor facilities, 
(ii) implement below and add corresponding stipulations to their safety 
regulations and (iii) apply for amendment to the safety regulations by 
April 28th, 2011.
(1)To set forth the plan for maintaining the reactor facilities in the 
   event of Station Blackout
(2)To allocate necessary personnel for maintaining the reactor facilities 
   in the event of Station Blackout
(3)To train personnel for maintaining the reactor facilities in the event 
   of Station Blackout
(4)To allocate the generator trucks, fire engines, fire fighting hoses and 
   other equipments for maintaining the reactor facilities in the event of 
   Station Blackout
(5)To have the periodic evaluation on the above and take necessary actions 
   based on the evaluation result

*2:NISA order: Regarding interpretation of safety regulations on emergency 
   generating facilities

The Earthquake Off the Coast of Miyagi Prefecture occurred on April 7, 
2011 and Higashi-dori Nuclear Power Station of Tohoku Electric Power 
Company lost the offsite power and emergency generating facilities 
started up to maintain the power source. Although the offsite power has 
been restored, emergency generating facilities shut down due to some 
troubles. Thus, it was reported as a failure to secure the restriction of 
operation regulated in the safety regulations.

Amongst the matters on operation of nuclear reactors facilities in the 
safety regulations stipulated in such as Article 16.7 of the current 
"Rules on the Installation and Operation of Commercial Power Reactors"
(No. 77 of Ordinance of Ministry of International Trade and Industry, of 
Showa 53 (of 1978)), the interpretation on restriction of operation 
requires one emergency generating facility operable for each nuclear 
reactor in the condition of cold shutdown such as during regular 
inspections and fuel replacement (which includes the cases of storing 
spent fuels in spent fuel pools). However, in consideration of the 
accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused by Tsunami 
induced by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-oki Earthquake, 2011, it is extremely 
important to secure power source. Therefore, the interpretation was 
amended to require two emergency generating facilities operable which 
connect to necessary emergency alternate-current high-voltage bus line for 
each nuclear reactor (when power stations have more than one nuclear 
reactor, they can count the number of emergency generating facilities of 
other units which are connected to the necessary emergency 
alternate-current high-voltage bus line.) 

As a result, it is required to immediately take actions for emergency 
safety measures, ordered on March 30th, including securing power supply 
cars, fire fighting engines, fire fighting hose and others and also is 
required to immediately implement amendment of safety regulations of 
"Rules on the Installation and Operation of Commercial Power Reactors", 
which fulfils the above interpretation and also is one of the safety 
measures for emergency, by April 28th of this year.

*3:safety regulations for nuclear reactor facilities 
As per Article 37 of the Law on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, 
Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors, this sets forth the basic matters for 
person who establishes the nuclear reactor to safely operate the nuclear 
power station (operation supervision, fuel supervision, radiation 
supervision, emergency procedures etc.) and approved by the government. 

*4:Operational Restriction: the safety regulations for nuclear reactor 
   facilities set forth the "Operational Restrictions" and "Required 
   Action in the event that Operational Restrictions are not satisfied" 
   etc. If the Operational Restrictions are not satisfied, the nuclear 
   reactor operator is required to act accordingly. 
Appendix: Comparison matrix for amendment to the safety regulations on 
          nuclear reactor facilities for Fukushima Daini Nuclear power 
          Station(PDF 22.3KB) 
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