
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 27,2011)
Regarding instructions received concerning the investigation of causes and development of preventive measures regarding radiation exposure exceeding designated dose limits to those persons at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Today we received the "Investigation of Causes and Development of Preventive 
Measures regarding Radiation Exposure exceeding designated dose limits to 
those persons at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" instructions from 
the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) and The Ministry of Economy, 
Trade and Industry.

Based on these instructions, we will investigate the causes, develop 
preventive measures, verify the dose management system at Fukushima Daiichi 
Power Station, marshal its contents, and report it to the Agency in a rapid 

*Instruction notice 
Investigation of the causes and development of preventive measures regarding 
radiation exposure exceeding the designated dose limit to those persons at 
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Instructions)
                                                       No.4 April 27th 2011
                                                            April 27th 2011
On April 27th, NISA received from you the report stating that the /mean dose 
exposure from January 1st to March 31st (4th quarter) to the individual
(female) who was working after the occurrence of the Tohoku - Pacific Ocean 
Earthquake is exceeding the dose limit (5mSv/3month) set down in Article 
6-1-3 of Regulation of Provision Concerning the Installment, Operation etc. 
of Practical Generation Reactors based on Article 9-1-1 of Regulation 
Concerning the installment, Operation etc. of Practical Generation Reactors 
(The Ministry of International Trade and Industry Order No.77 of 1978).

For this reason, we strictly warn and instruct you to investigate the 
causes, develop preventive measures and verify the dose management system 
at Fukushima Daiichi Power Station and develop countermeasures based on 
this verification, and report it to us no later than May 2nd 2011.

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