
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 27,2011)
Closing "Exclusive Line for Information on Rolling Blackout"
We sincerely apologize to customers and general public for the serious 
inconvenience and anxiety caused in implementing rolling blackout, and we 
extend our deepest appreciation to your cooperation in conserving 
electricity consumption.

We notify here that we will close "Exclusive Line for Information on 
Rolling Blackout" which has been open as an emergency measure since March 
22nd and finish the service at 21:00 on April 30th.

We have had "Exclusive Line for Information on Rolling Blackout" to answer 
customers' inquiries as to the target area and schedule of the rolling 
blackout implemented since March 14th due to the shortage of electricity 

However, as we have not implemented rolling blackout since March 29th and 
we announced the cessation of rolling blackout on April 8th, inquires to 
this exclusive line has significantly decreased. As such, we have decided 
to close the line.

We apologize for any anxiety and inconvenience and appreciate your 
continuous cooperation for the conservation of electricity consumption.

After closing of "Exclusive Line for Information on Rolling Blackout", 
please direct any inquiries to nearby TEPCO Customer Center.

Service available: Until 21:00 on April 30th, 2011 
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