
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 26,2011)
Instruction to report of the operation track record concerning the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and of the accident track record of the nuclear reactor facilities, etc.
Yesterday we were instructed by Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) 
to report the following below items to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and 
Industry per Article 67-1 of Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source 
Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors.
Pursuant to this instruction notice*, we will summarize and report the 
results to NISA in a rapid manner.

* Instruction notice
Instruction to report per Article 67-1 of Act on the Regulation of Nuclear 
Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors
                                                    No.1: April 24th, 2011
                                                          April 25th, 2011

Taking into consideration the roadmap towards restoration from the accident 
at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station which you have formulated, we 
hereby instruct you per Article 67-1 of Act on the Regulation of Nuclear 
Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Act No. 166 of 1957) 
to report the following items in a rapid manner in order to take the 
appropriate emergency steps from here on. 

In addition, you must ensure that the workers are not exposed to more than 
the minimum designated amount of radiation while collecting the materials. 
In case it is expected that prompt reporting will be difficult due to 
certain circumstances such as the materials to be reported are in areas 
where the air is filled with highly concentrated radioactive materials and 
are therefore hard to collect, it must be verified how the materials are 
being presently being stored, prospects concerning the expected timing of 
the report, and any other related and necessary conditions and report the 
results in a rapid manner. 

If you disagree with this disposition, you may raise an objection with the 
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry within sixty days from the day 
following the date when you learnt that the disposition was made under 
Article 6 of Administrative Dissatisfaction Inspection Act (Act No. 160 of 
1962). However, you may not raise an objection after one year has passed 
since the day following the date of the disposition even if it falls within 
sixty days from the day following the date when you learnt that the 
disposition was made.

Based on provision Administrative Case Litigation Act (Act No. 139 of 1962), 
you may file an action for cancellation of the disposition against the 
national government (representative; the Minister of Justice) after a 
decision is made on the aforementioned objection, within six months from 
the day following the date when you learnt that the decision was made. 

However, you may not file an action for cancellation after one year has 
passed since the day following the date of the decision on the objection 
even if it falls within sixty days from the day following the date when 
you learnt that the decision was made.

If one of the following events happens, you may file an action for 
cancellation of the disposition without having to wait for a decision on 
the aforementioned objection: (i) no decision has been made even after 
three months have passed since the day following the date when you raised 
the objection, (ii) there is an urgent necessity in order to avoid any 
considerable damage that would be caused by the original administrative 
disposition, the execution of the original administrative disposition or 
the continuation of any subsequent procedure, and (iii) there are any other 
justifiable grounds not to obtain an administrative decision.

○You have to report the following items among the operation records 
  (including the ones that are made immediately after the occurrence of 
  the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki-Earthquake in 2011) prescribed in 
  Article 7-1 of Regulations Concerning the Installment, Operation, etc. 
  of Practical Generation Reactors (The Ministry of International Trade 
  and Industry Order No. 77 of 1978) and accident records of the nuclear 
  reactor facilities etc. in connection with this accident 

· The water level inside the Reactor Pressure Vessel
· The pressure inside the Reactor Pressure Vessel
· The temperature inside the Reactor Pressure Vessel
· The pressure inside the drywell of the Primary Containment Vessel
· The pressure inside the Pressure Suppression Chamber of the Primary 
  Containment Vessel
· The water level inside the Pressure Suppression Chamber of the Primary 
  Containment Vessel
· The temperature inside the Pressure Suppression Chamber of the Primary 
  Containment Vessel
· The temperature inside the Primary Containment Vessel
· Density of gas inside the Primary Containment Vessel
· The temperature inside the Spent Fuel Pool
· The flow rate of the Emergency Core Cooling System
· The density of radioactive materials at the exhaust outlet of radioactive 
  wastes and the emission monitoring facilities 
· The contents of the alarms set off by the alarming devices
· The track record of the Isolation Cooling Condenser System
· The operation track record of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
· The operation track record of the High Pressure Core Injection System 
· The opening and closing track record of the Safety Relief Valves
· The opening and closing track record of the Primary Containment Vessel 
· The track record of power securement and power restoration 
· The operation track record of substitutional measures of water injection 
  such as fire pumps and seawater injection, etc. 
· The track record of the treatment of accumulated water in the Turbine 
  Buildings, the Vertical Shaft, and the Duct for the outside 

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