
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 12,2011)
Plant Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (as of 4:00 pm April 12th)
On March 11th 2011, turbines and reactors of Fukushima Daini Nuclear 
Power Station Unit 1 to 4 (Boiling Water Reactor, rated output 1100 
Megawatts) that had been operating at rated power automatically shutdown 
at 2:48 pm due to the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake (previously 
announced on March 11th).
At 7:15 pm on March 15th, the reactor of Unit 4 achieved cold shutdown. 
As a result, all reactors of Unit 1 to 4 at Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power 
Station achieved cold shutdown (previously announced on March 15th). 
<Updates are underlined> 
 Regarding the earthquake occurred at 5:16 pm on April 11th (previously 
 announced in the press release "Plant conditions after the earthquake" on 
 April 11th), we have been inspecting the plant, however, no trouble on the 
 plant facilities has been detected. 
 Regarding the earthquake occurred at 2:07 pm on April 12th (previously 
 announced in the press release "Plant conditions after the earthquake" on 
 April 12th), we are now conducting inspection of the plant. 
 The figures indicated at exhaust stack monitors and monitoring posts at 
 the station boundary are within the usual range, and there is no influence 
 of radioactivity outside as of now. 
As of 4:00 pm on April 12th, the reactors of Unit 1 to 4 are in cold 
shutdown (please refer to the attachment). We continue to make our 
endeavor to stabilize each plant.

Appendix:TEPCO Plant Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station 
         (as of 4:00 pm April 12th)(PDF 17.3KB) 
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