We would like to make a correction to a part of the appendix "The result
of the nuclide analysis of the seawater" of "Detection of radioactive
materials from the seawater near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
(announced on April 7th)". We apologize for any inconvenience and would
like to correct as follows:
< Correction part and content >
-"The result of the nuclide analysis of the seawater (around the north
water discharge of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (around Units 3
and 4))"
With regard to the detected nuclide for the nuclide analysis of the
seawater collected around the north water discharge of Fukushima Daini
Nuclear Power Station, we mistakenly reported and put on the press
release the data of some nuclides other than the 3 nuclide of I-131,
Cs-134 and Cs-137, which data are supposed to be announced.
Concerning the date of the other detected nuclides than the
above-mentioned 3 nuclides, we will re-evaluate and announce them,
pursuant to the policy on the recurrence prevention formulated by the
NISA's warning (previously announced on April 4th).
Appendix:The result of the nuclide analysis of the seawater
(Around the north water discharge of Fukushima Daini Nuclear
Power Station (around Units 3 and 4)(approx. 10km from
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station))(PDF 53.5KB)