
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 08,2011)
Application for approval of modification on safety regulations on nuclear reactor facilities
In connection with the incident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
caused by the tidal wave associated with Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki 
Earthquake on March 11th, 2011, "Rules on the Installation and Operation 
of Commercial Power Reactors"was amended on March 30th. In parallel with 
amendment of this ministry ordinance, we received an order*1 from Minister
of Economy, Trade and Industry to apply for approval of modification on 
safety regulations on nuclear reactor facilities. Today, we applied to 
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for approval of modification on 
safety regulations on nuclear reactor facilities of Kashiwazaki Kariwa 
Nuclear Power Station*2. 

Based on the requirement of ministry ordinance to improve system for 
maintaining reactor facilities under circumstances where tidal waves cause
loss of function to all the facilities receiving alternating-current power,
all the reactor cooling facilities utilizing seawater and all the 
facilities for spent fuel pool cooling ("Station Blackout"), we have set 
forth the follows.

- Allocate staff in order to maintain reactor facilities under Station 
- Train staff who operate to maintain reactor facilities under Station 
- Install power source cars, fire-fighting vehicles, fire fighting hoses 
  and other equipments necessary for operation to maintain reactor 
  facilities under Station Blackout.

We deeply apologize for the public's distress from the extensive damage 
that Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused by the leakage of 
radioactive materials to the surrounding areas of the power station, 
Fukushima Prefecture, and broader society. Currently, we are working 
around the clock to bring the situation under control with support and 
cooperation from the society, related ministries and government offices 
and local governments.

Appendix: Comparison chart for amendment of Safety regulations on nuclear
           reactor facilities for Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear power Station
                                                              (PDF 88.1KB)

*1: Details of the order from Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry are 
as follows.

In order to prevent damage to reactor core and spent fuel, suppress 
discharge of radioactive materials and restore cooling function of reactor
facilities under circumstances where 3 functions (all functions regarding 
facilities receiving alternating-current power, all function to cool 
reactor facilities by utilizing seawater and all functions to cool spent 
fuel pool) are lost due to tidal wave, we were ordered to take emergency 
safety measure and apply for approval of modification on safety 
regulations in association with the amendment of Rules on the Installation
and Operation of Commercial Power Reactors.

*2: Safety regulations on nuclear reactor facilities

In accordance with Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, 
Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors, Paragraph 1, Article 37, the business
operator shall draw it up and apply for government's approval. It provides
overall operation on overall security activities in regard to operation of
power plant, fuel management and radiation dose management.
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