
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 01,2011)
Plant Status of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station (as of 4:00 pm April 1st)
[No particular update from the previous release]

Unit  Status
1    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No reactor coolant is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature below 100°C in the Pressure
       Suppression Chamber.
2    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No reactor coolant is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature below 100°C in the Pressure
       Suppression Chamber.
3    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No reactor coolant is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature below 100°C in the Pressure
       Suppression Chamber.
4    · Reactor cold shutdown, stable water level, offsite power is
     · No reactor coolant is leaked to the reactor containment vessel.
     · Maintain average water temperature below 100°C in the Pressure
       Suppression Chamber.  
Other A campaigner's sound truck entered the site through the west 
      locked car gate around 1:08 pm today. After driving in the site, 
      the car left through the same gate around 1:20 pm. We reported 
      this event to the Fukushima Prefecture Police Department.
      We have shut the gate with our own vehicles after the campaigner's 
      vehicle left. 
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