The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) launched the first local survey of the
"Study for Introduction of the Energy Management System in the Republic of Serbia"
entrusted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The objective of this
study is to promote energy efficiency within the demand side sectors of the Republic
of Serbia.
This study supports the establishment of the "Energy Management System", which from
a consumer perspective aims to establish specific measures and laws targeting energy
efficiency. The initial groundwork was first laid when the Government of Serbia
requested Japan to conduct research that would assist the nation in formulating her
energy-conservation policies. Consequently, JICA entrusted TEPCO to conduct the
developmental survey. This is TEPCO's first energy efficiency project to be conducted
in Eastern Europe.
The scope of the project covers the schematic design of the Energy Management System,
recommendations for the establishment of a new energy-efficiency law with accompanying
regulations, and capacity-building for organizations in the planning and implementation
stages of their energy efficiency policy measures. The study, which covers the whole
land of Serbia, commenced on July 2009 and is scheduled to end in January 2011.
TEPCO will continue to vigorously promote measures and technologies that are in favor
of and work towards protecting the global environment as well as supporting energy
efficiency for other countries via utilization and dissemination of our cumulated
experience and know-how. Further, these positive efforts in developing international
projects will contribute to the growth of the entire TEPCO group.
Appendix: Outline of the "Study for Introduction of Energy Management System in the
Republic of Serbia" (PDF 104KB)
Reference: The Energy Situation in Serbia (PDF 114KB)