
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jun 11,2009)
Performing a Series of Functional Tests for the Entire Plant of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station Unit No.7 after the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake (Evaluation results after system functional tests)
The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station Unit No.7 (ABWR: 1,356MW) had been shut down since 
the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake occurred on July 16, 2007. On May 8, 2009, we started a 
series of functional tests for the entire plant, and are performing pre-planned tests. 

The unit began generating power on May 19, and is keeping constant operation at rated thermal 
output. We have performed pre-planned system functional tests (3 items), and confirmed 
operating status to be satisfactory by June 10, 2009. 

Based on the results of the tests, we will continue operating at constant rated thermal output 
and will monitor the operating status of plant continuously. In the last analyses, we will 
evaluate the results of functional tests for the entire plant. 

We will disclose test evaluation results accordingly. 

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