
Corporate Information

Press Release (Apr 30,2009)
Revision of the Financial Results Forecasts
April 30th, 2009, The Tokyo Electric Power Company Incorporated (TEPCO) announced 
that they have revised previous financial forecasts that were made in January 30th, 
2009, based on latest performance and related factors as outlined below.

Revision of Financial Forecasts
•Revision of the Year-end Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2008-March 31st, 2009), 
•Revision of the Year-end Financial Forecasts (April 1st, 2008-March 31st, 2009), Non-consolidated
The Reason for the Revision With regards to TEPCO's electricity business, operating revenue decreased due to a reduction of electricity sales volume. On the other hand, due to the reduction of fuel expense as well as efforts made to reduce maintenance and other expenses, operating income increased. Further, a reestimation of the restoration costs of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, yielded an increase in casualty loss from natural disaster and others. Given these changes, final revisions were made to our consolidated and non-consolidated financial projections. Key Factors Affecting Performance (full year)
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