
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jul 03,2008)
TEPCO and Petrobras of Brazil Sign a Memorandum of Understanding
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding 
with Petrobras (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.), the national petroleum company of Brazil 
(Headquarters: Rio de Janeiro, President and CEO: Jose Sergio Gabrielli), to promote 
mutual exchange and cooperation in the areas of energy resources and electric power 

Specifically, TEPCO and Petrobras will promote exchange and cooperation through 
information exchange and acceptance of experts in their respective business fields. 
TEPCO intends to make full use of knowledge to be obtained under the Memorandum of 
Understanding in various business activities such as overseas operations and stable 
fuel procurement.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the Ministry of Development, Industry 
and Foreign Trade of Brazil in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to coincide with the 
business trip of Mr. Akira Amari, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, 
to the Federative Republic of Brazil. We hope that our efforts will not only facilitate 
exchange and strengthen cooperative ties between the two countries, but also contribute 
to the reinforcement of bilateral relationship.

Appendix: Outline of Petrobras(PDF 9.0KB)
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