
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jul 30,2007)
Reception of Permission for the Emergency and Temporary Use of the Shiobara Power Station Issued by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport under Article 23 of the River Law
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) submitted an application for 
the emergency and temporary use of the Shiobara Power Station (location: 
Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture; capacity: 900,000 kW; pumped storage 
hydroelectric power station*1) in accordance with Article 23 of the River 
Law (permission for use of river water) to the Kanto Regional Development 
Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. We inform 
herein that we received a permission for the use of water for a limited 
period of July 30 to September 7, 2007 from the Kanto Regional Development 
Bureau today.

The Shiobara Power Station was revoked of its license under Article 23 of 
the River Law by the head of the Kanto Regional Development Bureau on May 16, 
2007, because of data falsification and defective paperwork. TEPCO is currently 
proceeding with measures to stop leakage from the upstream Yashio Dam balancing 
reservoir as we work towards reapplication under the Article 23.
Under this circumstance, the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake that occurred on 
July 16, 2007, led to a shutdown of all units of TEPCO´s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 
Nuclear Power Station, with no prospect for it to reopen this summer. If the 
weather grows very hot, peak demand may reach approximately 64 million kW. 
In order to ensure stable supply of power, TEPCO applied for a permission to 
use the river water under Article 23 of the River Law for a limited period so 
that we can use the Shiobara Power Station in this emergency in order to 
contribute to the steady supply of electricity, with the understanding of 
local residents.

Again, TEPCO sincerely apologizes to the public, especially to those living 
nearby the site, for the anxiety and trouble caused by of the recent earthquake.
TEPCO will continue to make every effort to secure power supply in order to 
provide electricity to our customers without imposing any inconvenience.

*1: Pumped storage hydro power plant
    This plant has a number of excellent features: it takes only several minutes 
    to reach maximum output after the start of operation, it takes only several 
    seconds to adjust the output, and it is adaptable to any rapid change in 
    electricity demand. Therefore, it can play an important role of supplying 
    power during the daytime when electricity demand is highest.
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