The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc.
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station Unit 7 automatically shut down
when the earthquake occurred on July 16th. Beginning from July 18th,
we have increased the frequency of measuring the release of radioactive
iodine and particulate materials from the main exhaust stack of Unit 7
from weekly to daily.
The measurements made on July 18th detected the release of iodine-131
and iodine-133. However, for the period of July 19th to July 23rd,
no radioactive material has been detected.
The radiation dose from the radioactive materials released from the main
exhaust stack of Unit 7 is estimated to be about 2 x 10-7 millisieverts
for radioactive iodine and about 7 x 10-10 millisieverts for particulate
radioactive materials-equivalent to about two 10 millionth of the dose
limit for the public, which is 1 millisievert, and is considerably lower
than the annual radiation dose of 2.4 millisieverts from natural sources.
The measurements made on Unit 7 for the period of July 19th to July 23rd
did not detect any release of radioactive materials because operation of
the turbine gland steam ventilator, which directly caused the release of
radioactive materials from the main exhaust stack, had been stopped on
July 18th. It is estimated that Unit 7, currently shut down and is in
a stable state, is no longer releasing any radioactive iodine. We are
carefully controlling all ongoing work and ensuring the appropriate
management of the nuclear power station.
[Results of Measurements]
Release of radioactive iodine and particulate materials from the main
exhaust stack of Unit 7