The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (TEPCO) has announced
that at the meeting of its Board of Directors held today (March 28, 2007),
it was revolved to revise the company's previous forecast of the year-end
dividend per share for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 (FY2006).
The details are as follows.
1.Reasons for revising the dividend forecast
Under an increasingly severe operating environment, such as the progress
of market liberalization, in order to be continuously chosen by customers,
shareholders, and investors, TEPCO has been working to enhance its price
competitiveness and improve its quality of service. Additionally, the
company seeks to increase profitability and improve the fragile balance
sheet regarding them as important management issues.
As a result, the shareholders' equity ratio rose to 21.2% (non-consolidated basis)
at the end of 31st December 2006. If a certain amount of interest-bearing
debt continues to be reduced, we envision reaching a shareholders' equity
ratio of at least 25%, as set out in the "Management Vision 2010", ahead
of schedule.
Therefore, based on the concept of profit sharing, TEPCO increases the
amount of the year-end dividend per share for this fiscal period by 10 yen,
from the previous forecast of 30 yen to 40 yen per share (annual dividend
will be 70 yen). This revision will be proposed at the Ordinary General
Shareholders Meeting to be held in June 2007.
From now on, TEPCO is fundamentally committed to maintaining a stable dividend
and intends to achieve a consolidated payout ratio of 30% or higher.
Therefore, company endeavors to meet the shareholders' expectations by
distributing gains, while comprehensively considering factors including
the company's performance and progress in improving its balance sheet.
2.Details of the revision
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