
Corporate Information

Press Release (Jan 18,2007)
Announcement on issue of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's 16th Swiss Franc-denominated straight corporate bonds
The Tokyo Electric Power Company (the "Company") hereby notifies all interested 
parties that the Company has decided to issue its 16th Swiss Franc-denominated 
straight corporate bonds, and its subscription has started on January 17th in 

The terms of the Bonds 

1. Type of Bonds               Swiss Franc-denominated straight corporate bonds
2. Total amount of the Bonds   300 million Swiss Francs (equivalent to about 29
                               billion in Yen) 
3. Interest rate               2.75% of par value per annum 
4. Issue price                 100.642% of par value 
5. Maturity                    5-years (bullet maturity) 
6. Date of issue               February 14, 2007 
7. Listing                     SWX Swiss Exchange 
8. Mortgage                    General mortgage 
9. Managers                    Credit Suisse 
                               BNP Paribas 
                               and others

Please be notified the above mentioned will be the first foreign-currency-denominated
straight corporate bonds in about 2 years and 10 months since the issuance of the 4th
Euro-denominated straight corporate bonds (10-year Bonds, 1 billion Euros) on March 24, 
2004.  And it will be the first Swiss Franc-denominated straight corporate bonds in about
10 years and 4 months since the issuance of the 15th Swiss Franc-denominated straight 
corporate bonds (10-year Bonds, 300 million Swiss Francs) on September 27, 1996.

(note 1)
This press release is for public announcement, not a canvass for investors. No offering
or selling any bonds will be conducted within Japan with respect to the Bonds specified
in this press.

(note 2) 
The above purport is an accurate and complete translation of the original Japanese 
version, prepared for the convenience of our English-speaking audience. However, 
in the case of any discrepancy between the translation and the Japanese original, 
the latter shall prevail.
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