
Corporate Information

Press Release (Oct 07,2004)
Devising Management Vision 2010, TEPCO Group's Medium-term Management Policy -Demonstrate the group's comprehensive capabilities to achieve further growth and development: TEPCO Group's first medium-term management policy-
At TEPCO, we recently drew up Management Vision 2010, a medium-term
management policy for TEPCO group companies, to achieve further growth
and development in this age of full-scale competition. 

Management Vision 2010 is based on the results accomplished under the
previous Management Vision drawn up in March 2001. To continue to
precisely meet our customers' needs and provide optimal services in a
comprehensive manner that includes not only energy but also information
communications, all the while responding flexibly to the drastically
changing business environment, we need to make the partnership between
TEPCO and our group companies even closer than before. We therefore drew
up this Vision to indicate the common direction and goals that TEPCO
Group as a whole must pursue.
Specifically, we set forth three Group Management Guidelines to realize
the group's management principle of "contribute to the realization of
affluent living and pleasant environment by offering optimal
energy-related services." At the same time, we established five numerical
targets that must be met by FY2010. They would cover issues such as the
improvement of operational efficiency, improvement of the financial
structure, growth of business operations, and contribution to the global

Through the implementation of concrete action plans related to the
Management Vision 2010, we will further enhance our corporate value and
establish group management overflowing with dynamic growth potentials.

Overview of Management Vision 2010, TEPCO Group's Medium-term Management Policy
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