
Radiation Dose measured at Monitoring Post of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station

The following is the radiation doses of the air measured by the monitoring posts (MP1-7) on the premises of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station.

Monitoring points

Radiation dose

     ※There are some cases that wind direction and speed at the exhaust stacks cannot be measured properly due to storm.


Past measurement result(After October 17, 2012)

Past measurement result(Before October 16, 2012)

*Relationship between weather and radiation
Radiation dose in the air varies depending on the weather.Generally, radiation dose increases when it rains due to natural radioactive materials falling onto the ground surface.On the other hand, radiation dose decreases in locations where puddles (due to rainfall) and accumulated snow are present as radiation from the ground is blocked by water and snow.

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