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Comment in response to an article in a weekly magazine "Electricity rate raise to keep the Japan Atomic Power Company alive"

- The Japan Atomic Power Company's nuclear power station was jointly developed by the Japan Atomic Power Company and TEPCO.

- Based on the long-term contract between the Japan Atomic Power Company and TEPCO, the costs incurred to maintain the safety of the nuclear power stations and investments in its future restart are needed to be covered by us, similar to the case of our own power generation facilities. For this reason, the fixed cost incurred regardless of the actual power generation is paid to the Japan Atomic Power Company.

- In the recent electricity rate revision, whether to include the fixed cost incurred for the offline nuclear power stations estimated for each fiscal year in the rate cost was discussed among the Coordination Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy and the Expert Committee to Review Electrical Charges. As a result, the rate revision was approved by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

- Therefore, there is no such fact that "the electricity rate was raised to keep the Japan Atomic Power Company alive".

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