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Usage of APD shielded with lead cover during the Restoration Work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

July 23, 2012
Tokyo Electric Power Company

We apologize for the concern caused by the news on usage of APD shielded with lead cover in the restoration work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

After hearing the news from our main contractor, Tokyo Energy & Systems Inc. on July 19, we instructed them to investigate the facts. We are currently in the process of interviewing the employees involved in the matter.

As we take the news to heart, we are determined to get the radiation control rules across all employees (TEPCO and affiliates) working at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and conduct a survey to check for other similar issues.

Upon obtaining testimony on the usage of APD shielded with lead cover, we have also instructed Tokyo Energy & Systems Inc. to reevaluate their employees' radiation exposure levels.

Appropriate measures will be implemented based on the detailed investigation result to be provided by Tokyo Energy & Systems Inc. and our survey result.

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