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Asahi Newspaper's "Trap of Prometheus" Article

February 9, 2012
Tokyo Electric Power Company

The Asahi Newspaper has released a series of articles titled the "Trap of Prometheus" that assert that TEPCO management members clearly stated their intentions to evacuate all staff from Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Stations. However, we allege that the contents of these articles are a misrepresentation of the facts.

The articles further assert that Mr. Shimizu, TEPCO's president at the time, had the intention of evacuating all staff members but only changed his mind when he was summoned to the Prime Minister's office and firmly ordered not do so. The facts are that TEPCO never issued or even considered issuing an order to evacuate all staff from Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Stations. Hence at approximately 4:30 am on March 15, upon being questioned by Prime Minister Kan of his intentions, Mr. Shimizu's reply was that TEPCO did not intend to evacuate.

Prime Minister Kan has recounted numerous times what transpired at the Diet. [Example] Statement in the Upper House Budget Committee (April 25, 2011) "... I received a report from a minister on April 15 that TEPCO was considering the evacuation of the site due to radiation levels. I ordered TEPCO's president to come to my official residence to confirm his intentions. When I explained to him my concerns about TEPCO potentially evacuating the site, Mr. Shimizu reassured me that TEPCO had no such intentions."

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